the lost penguin presents: a fleetwood mac happy hour
enjoy your favourite mac-tunes, and honour the band by bringing your ex-lovers! come dressed as your favourite member. we'll even have an enormous line of coke for you laid out on a mirror! "rumours" will definitely follow...hosted by: the lost penguin cafe @ esplanade and 5:00
photo by fin...all hail dr.megavolt!
randnorm mind genade
it's all a bunch of tree huggin hippie crap - cartman
randnorm pikcha

new crusaders for christ, normurai and ron jeremy
normdate 6.15.6
this week has been spent rekonnekting with friends. so many people to see, so little time. i love my friends...and i love this city. it really is world class!

randnorm jedi on queen street

my best friend mel (her partner's name is david)

randnorm queen street art

no speaka engrish!

sue and john...i'm so proud of you guys! *rraow*

just cause sue is all kinds of hawtness *rraow*

vitruvian man in the window of john and sue's kickass pad!

vitruvian norm at redsands beach, nelson
an evening shopping at ikea with john and sue

ikea...swedish for off by one millimeter ;) actually, its really an acronym for the first letters of the company founder's name (ingvar kamprad) and the property and village in which he grew up (elmtaryd agunnyard) - Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd
randnorm movie set props at the old kultcha vaccuum

spending time in kensington with christina
mel gave me a ticket for my birthday to see a marionnette play at the berkeley street theater called 10 days in heaven. it was a somber play, but very well done...and i got to enjoy it with good friends.

this is perhaps the best game in the history of ever. of course a country that legalizes drugs came up with this one: hold on to the handle, wait for the light in the middle to illuminate, then press the button on your handle. the last person to press the button gets shocked with a mild electric charge (or higher depending on the setting). or if you press the button too soon you get shocked. guaranteed laughter every time!
my friend darlene returned from brazil where she spent the last 8mos surfing!

darlene skateboards, snowboards, and surfs! walking down the street with her is such an experience. seeing the effect she has on others is fun to watch...her beauty and presence causes waves!

nice pants. please don't shit in our fountain ;)

never know who you might run into on queen street. hi marta!

old skewl marta, norm, and jamie in kentucky 99

black bull patio begins my birthday celebrations
these two goddesses were visiting from birmingham, england

when i asked them what is the most inspiring place in the world that they have visited, they both said toronto. they have never seen so many races, creeds, colours, orientations, and religions living so peacefully together. i have to agree. this city fukkin rawks!
santa's sleigh in the off season is the ttc

the best place in the world is where my friends are. its good to be home. happy birthday to me!
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