negotiating sex 101: how to get laid in black rock city
5:30pm-7:00pm monday/wednesday
7:00-8:00pm thursday
an informational, interactive practice group emphasizing the values of mutuality and respect needed for ethically negotiating sexual intimacy. other topics include sexual assault and rape prevention. a non-threatening and fun environment. hosted by: heebeegeebee healers @ 7:30 and ego
photo by scott london
randnorm mind grenade
i have no time in my life for shitty people. i have all the time in the world for amazing people. - erin black
more mind grenades here
normdate 4.17.6
it was still dark out when i was awoken from my slumber in the back of jonny's volvo this morning. somehow we had taken a wrong turn, and ended up in kelowna. not only that, but lori's van had died and we were about to squish 7 of us into jonny's volvo! we strapped our gear to the roof of the volvo and in the trunk leaving enough room for me to sit. it wasn't necessarily the most comfortable space, but i still managed to fall asleep even with bags piled on top of me ;)

goodbye little canada van! hello volvo v70!

we arrived in nelson at 10:30am. the sun was warm and shining brightly. i was stoked to be back in town so early on a monday morning, because today is the last day that the lifts are open at whitewater.
ali and jonny dropped me off at my place where i quickly changed into my snowboarding gear (showers are for sissies), and headed down to the hitching spot. it was just past 11am when i got to the highway, and i thought that i might have to wait a bit longer to find a ride. i was picked up within 5minutes. i love this place.
whitewater was closed during the week, which meant that a full week's worth of snow accumulated for us addikts to ride this weekend. on friday, there was 56cm of new snow! then it snowed 14cm friday night, and an additional 10cm saturday night for a total of 80cm of fresh snow to ride on the last day of the season.

normally you can sit down on this bench at the top of the hill...

i ran into my boy nature on the hill, rockin his new libtech winterstick. the edges in the middle of the board are curved like a sword, which is supposed to make it better on ice. their slogan is "turns ice into powder". interesting concept. read more about it here.

yes, that's a mercedes benz snowboard on the right. rockin da benzo on da hill....rekognize!
the other two guys i was riding with was sam from england and scott from nova scotia. this was their first time at whitewater. what an incredible day for their first experience: 6degrees, sunny, and 80cm of new snow in the past week.

seeing as it was their first time here, i decided to take sam and scott for a little hike to the top of catch basin. sam was a bit reserved about going, but it was nothing a little convincing couldn't fix. i had never made the trek up blaster's ridge all season, so it was a new experience for me too.

there is so much snow here it is ridonculous! there is a 400cm base of snow here...4 fukkin meters! where else in the world gets that much snow in a season? and there are always fresh tracks to make if you're willing to walk to it. pure, simple, real...deep!

i took a look at this chute and decided to keep on walking to the top of the catch basin instead...

the view from the top of catch basin was awesome, especially on such a beautiful warm and sunny easter monday.

it was pretty tracked out, but i'm not so much of a purist that i get upset if other people have made tracks before me...there is powder to ride in the middle of april, who can complain about that?

it was so much fun introducing sam and scott to some real kutenai powder. hearing the screams of joy as they rode down and seeing the expressions on their faces was priceless. powder is life, everything else is just details.

at the lodge, i ran into jonas, frederic, and anke. they had just hiked up ymir peak for the last run of the season. the hike took them 4 hours. the rush of excitement and accomplishment radiated from them, especially when you looked up and saw their tracks...they were the only ones. there is nothing like that rush you get from looking back and saying "see those tracks, that was me!"...the only thing better than looking back up at your tracks is making them.

ymir peak is the highest peak at whitewater.

the view from up there is epic

and it looks even better when the only tracks on it were made by you

fresh tracks are so sexxy. its better than sex...but only by a little bit. just ask anyone who's made them, they'll agree. look at how happy jonas is...

what an excellent way to end off the best season of my life. we headed into the lodge for some apres ski pitchers of nelson faceplant beer. it was well earned. this place has the best snow in the world. the lifts are closed and there is still a 400cm base. but as the saying goes, there is always fresh tracks to be made if you're willing to walk to it. the season isn't over, the lifts are just closed. its going to take a long time for 4meters of snow to melt.

big ups to the whitewater krew 2k6! thank you jonas and frederic for shredding powder with me all season, and driving my ass to the hill more times than not. big ups to the casi crew! maad props to the whitewater staff. who'd a thunk that two dinky chair lifts service the best snow in the world.
those who know are here. those who don't are somewhere else...and that's just fine with the people who are here.
i'm also not supposed to tell people how awesome it is here. keep it local. where else can you ride 400cm of snow and then 20minutes later be barefoot on a beach beside the lake? this place is holy...but don't tell anyone ;)
time to wash off my weekend hippie smell, and snowboard funk...
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