light harp: separate entities
tonight at dusk the light harps will be reconfigured as three unique and separate entities. explore each harps unique interactive soundscape by playing and moving within each string of light. hosted by: jen
click here to learn more about the light harp
randnorm mind grenade
as we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible but more mysterious. - albert scheitzer
more mind grenades here
normdate 4.7.6
i spent the last three daze enjoying the majik of the east shore. just chillin out at the home of the mou collective triggers so much creativity in me. i was glad that jonas and frederic were able to see and experience the east shore before they leave nelson.
i introduced jonas to the joi of spinning poi, and the east shore provided the most beautiful places to tune into the force and spin.

the woodlands on the shore have some pretty big trees. this particular tree grows on the 140acres of the yasodhara ashram.

peace on the east...shore

sacred cabbageometry at the mou collective.

i spent this afternoon at lakeside park in nelson tossin a disc, spining poi, and learning how to spin staff. mckayla is a skilled poi and staff spinner, so it was great to have her as a teacher.

julia was also with us, and she an excellent poi spinner too. yay being taught by goddesses. i ain't gonna complain.

henna brought a few red stripe beers with her, so we enjoyed some stubbies in the park. aaah, chill friday afternoons spinning poi, tossing a frisbee, spinning staff, hacky sacking, and drinkin red stripe. east shore, west arm...lake kutenaiis a whole lotta alright ;)
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