i'm sitting on the front porch of 315 observatory street waiting for july, the woman who is going to show me the place. i just met one of her roommates, jp, who let me in and me the tour already. i can see myself living here. this is where i want to live. the room is big, the living room is spacious, and it is just down the street from the hitching spot for whitewater, and there is already internet. oh, and the price is right.
i just looked at another place which was more expensice and super ghetto.

i hope this place works out for me. its funny that brandy, who lives in the home i'm staying at with andrea, was going to reccommend this place to me as she knew one of the guys who lived here. she said "norm, you are going to live there."
i want to live here. it is perfekt for me. feeding this energy. making it a reality.
my ipod battery is fukkin hosed. i only got 20 minutes of play time from a full charge before it died.
i do, however, have a laptop with wireless internet beside my bed/sofa at andrea's place. it is so good to be connected. i can't wait for my pc to make it out here. i hope graham can get it shipped here for free. that'd be sweet.
did i mention i really want this place?
my toes are cold.
i'm going to take a pikcha of this place. here is what the front porch looks like.

jp is from finland. thank you in finnish is kiitos. my thank you repetoire is up to 53 languages.
gp skiis and snowboards and from the looks of things he has a var too. oh man, this perfekt. i belong here.
hmm...who is this walking up. yup, its july here to show me the place. hi!
....alright, july skiis too. wikkid. i was introduced to their landlord who lives downstairs. now its up to july to discuss things over with her roommates and make a decision. shanti, the other woman who lives here, might have a friend who has priority for the room. i hope that falls through.
and the room belonged to johnny, brandy's friend.
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